Now I know it all.
Now I know I know your heart’s
imperfections: left anterior
descending coronary artery
fifty percent occluded,
right one nearly as bad.
Aorta: distal, mild.
Those petechial hemorrhages
on the small and large intestines,
they can’t hide from me now.
I know about that benign
cortical cyst on your right kidney,
the bilateral pulmonary edema.
The M.E. noted that your body
was “well-developed, well-nourished,
consistent with the recorded age
of 48,” yet your intestine
was digesting itself: autolysis.
He and I, we know
your secrets. Even though I was
no longer your wife, he told me
on the phone precisely how you died,
before the toxicology reports
were in. O secretive one,
now I know exactly how much
your heart weighed.
Published in Chest (journal of the American College of Chest Physicians), 2/2012